Onelamp will distribute 150 solar fishing lights from Omnivoltaic and 600 solar lanterns with a mobile charging feature from Venus, both global manufacturers of such products. Together, we will improve the lives of over 3 700 people, increasing productivity of fishermen at the landing sites and saving their households USD 54 000 annually from reduced spending on kerosene lamps as well as mobile charging fees. We will also avert over 470 000 kg of CO2 by stopping the usage of kerosene for lighting by night fishers as well as in their homes.
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The TRINE Way 1.2 billion people around the world currently lack access to electricity. TRINE seeks to solve this problem by closing the gap between private capital in developed countries and local solar partners in emerging markets. At TRINE we believe in profit with purpose. Our commitment to this principle stems from TRINE's founding goal: ending energy poverty. We realize that in order to end energy poverty, finding a sustainable long-term solution is key. The for-profit nature of TRINE as a business and our projects as investments means that our projects are economically viable and thereby ensures that together we can have a social and environmental impact in the long run. TRINE-financed projects will reduce CO2 emissions, reduce health costs, increase knowledge levels and reduce poverty. We've seen voting/democratic participation increase due to villagers being able to get accurate and swift information on election dates and locations. New entrepreneurial ventures pop up connected to the introduction of energy in the villages - such as fertilizer production and water sanitation. Today, we have 7 fully funded projects (350k EURO). Our success rate is 100% to-date.
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Austria , Belgium , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany , Greece , Hungary , Iceland , Italy , Liechtenstein , Luxembourg , Malta , Monaco , Netherlands , Norway , Poland , Portugal , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , United Kingdom