In production since summer 2016, this Thibie wind park is equipped with 9 VESTAS wind turbines with a unit power of 2 MW. They will produce on average about 53 000 000 kWh of renewable electricity each year, representing the electricity consumption of 19 000 households or the consumption of 5 300 electric cars traveling 13 000 km /year. The Thibie-Cheniers wind farm was build by VALOREM group, an independent producer of green energies and one of the french pioneers of the wind industry. It is located in the Marne (51), on the commune of Thibie nearby Chalons-en-Champagne. VALOREM decided to open the financing of the wind farm in Thibie-Cheniers for € 100,000 through the issuance of bonds.
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Lumo is a French crowdfunding website which enables citizens to invest directly in renewable energy project.
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53000 kWh